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Alphabet of love


A to Z


zero to infinity,

seamless thoughts.

love and heartbreak,

cup of freshly brewed tea,

to quench thirst of unrequited love,

fingers counting heart shred into tiny pieces,

fragmented rose petals.

picked one by one,

like jigsaw puzzle,

can it fix the fragmented heart?

wiping wounds and tears,

heal love from thyself,

sentiments are not number plates,

to reach you one sunny day,

the mirror,

a reflection.


quenching of desires,



epithets for relations, expressions and heart’s matters,

wave bye to the past love,

so what it keeps hurting the soul!

Just say fuck you to that love,

welcome new love,

for I am ready always,

to fall in love,

break my heart again,

and conquer fears of not loving.


Happy Monday





Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

2 thoughts on “Alphabet of love

    1. The emotions are quite complex, I understand and far more intriguing that we would like to think. But, moving on help us to spread and unclip our wings. Thanks for dropping Shilpa 🙂

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