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Festival of Words 3-Day 6-55 words


I am running late and against time as I am penning Write Tribe Festival of Words 3-Day 6-55 fiction. Guilty as charged! I’ve been caught up with stuffs recently and shall make amends on blogs and for the prompt.


A student’s dilemna

I rushed inside the exam halls for my English VIVA.

The examiner eyes me, “Have you read the prescribed book?”

I feebly say: “A a bit.”

She:  Btw, do you attend classes?”


She: “Who is your lecturer?”

ME: Chakarvathy Ma’am.

She is scandalized: “I am Miss Chakarvathy. I never saw you in class”


Being a Single Woman

Maya has been frantically scouting for a flat in Mumbai. A ray of hope dawned upon her when she stumbled upon the broker who tells: “If we can convince them that you are married, you are in.” She tells him: “Having a husband is not my identity. I am proud that I am a single WOMAN.”


Heart of a Woman

I am a woman;

I am proud of my identity:

I don’t need society’s approval to do what my heart tells me;

Stop defining me as a mother, wife, sister and daughter;

Your hypocrisy sucks;

You tried to suppress my feelings, abused my body and ripped my soul;

You are scared of me;

Face it.


Naked Truth

He was top of her that night. She submitted her soul to him as the latter abused her body, beating her ruthlessly. He is a respected business man who was honored by the Government. As he walked to receive his award, she paraded naked in front of the guests, showing her abused body and soul (……to be continued)

Editor’s note

Read in ascending order

1. I narrated my plight during English VIVA when I was in Fergusson College during second year in 2005. I managed to just pass

2. My friend faced it in Mumbai and the usual, ‘Only Families Allowed’. It made her wonder whether it’s a sin to be a woman, in particular, single. I also wonder at such blatant hypocrisy to treat women as second class citizens.

3. A poem I wrote to describe the society we are living and where women wings are clipped. I am not a woman but writes on observations made on the perverted patriarchy.

4. A mini story, 55 words, to conclude. But, since Write Festival of Words is having a special Int’l Women Day prompt tomorrow, I shall continue the story.

With Love



Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

22 thoughts on “Festival of Words 3-Day 6-55 words

  1. it reminded me of a professor in my college. that man was such a liar! he came to the first class only to tell us that he taught from home, tutions, and then we never saw him again. He showed up as guard on our Economics exams and brazenly asked the guard who were we! when told who we were, his students he arrogantly said we bunked classes, he has never seen us before!

    1. hehe! In mine, I was the one who lied.hehe. But. it sad how this teacher of yours lied and he seems to be a vain. A blot to the noble profession called teaching.

      1. he was shameless, none of our economics teachers graced classes, they only came for the first week of the entire grad program, informed us that they teach tuitions and vanished thereafter. but the other two did not said that we bunked class… they pretended that they know us.

      2. It is, indeed, a disgrace, to the profession and sadly so, they neglect their students. They behave in the most unethical way..I mean, how can they lie to themselves in the most blatant manner.

    1. Dunno! It was included in our English main paper and few marks needed to secure a first class in English. So, I remained on higher second class hehe..btw bought the English text book on exam’s eve:)

  2. Your first story took me back to my uni days when someone asked my friend to stand in for attendance for #286 – who happened to be a guy. It’s a day and number the 2 of us won’t forget in a hurry!

    1. You know, we have EVS exams and attendance was compulsory in Pune. It was on a Sunday and was painful to attend..those who were present would sign for friends who were roll number was *188. Wow! You recalled your roll num. It’s awesome, Suzy. Such memories become beautiful as we look back:)

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