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To all the chums on Friendship Day

The friends that we make are our first love,  no child’s stroke play to get over them easily and the crazy laughs, stupid squabbles and silly fights and sharing of the deepest darkest secrets, at times ludicrous. No matter how much we grow in and outta of life, maturity is always lost among the coolest and thickest of friends that pays big time to behave like kids. Once, we walked a different route and was never shy nor it felt stupid to share with our half souls how much we are in love with someone or the impossible dreams of walking the moon or becoming an overnight celebrity. It felt good to be laughed at for that what was friendship all about and it’s still. This post is for the friends who stood with us through the thick and thin of times.



-Beer glasses that we just not clinked but banged violently one Saturday night and still not a drop fell on the table. We were into beer hour and laughed like crazy, dancing on the deserted roads.


-Bonding in those days would mean walking down the street in the evening to ask the random girl to join us for beer at the restaurant but she would look as if we were some UFO or the Maa ka excuse, ‘I am sorry to need to head home to my Mom.” So much craziness.


-The one who told me it’s a crappy idea to fall in love with ‘her’ and  find a chick for ‘You just need to get laid.’ The best part about the male buddies and experimental friendship that knocks sense in the head the moment alcohol swirls on the tongue to reach the brain. Trust me, that was the best advice I ever got from friends and makes sense even today.


-The friends with whom I still discuss love, break up, sex life unbarred, politic, chicks and depression without filter make coffee, not just a hot affair but a journey worth discovering. The boys and girls still make each other feel young in spite of being out of college for more than a decade. This cute girl who would bhai me on WhatsApp and I’d still tell her not to bhaizone me that she would respond with a wink and sorry.


-My soul friend who keeps pushing me on WhatsApp, discuss everything soulful and threaten me if I don’t connect with his soul friends on FB, I would face consequences since he is convinced we would hit off awesomely and coz of common interest to make us grow. He would harass us till we heed him. Thanks, bro.


-The togetherness moment and not being judged when I once told this female buddy that it’s been long leading a sexless life and must be some depression triggering it. “Chill! You are a young man and need sex.” Gratitude to the cloud and sky for such non-judgemental and open-minded friends with whom we can talk about anything under the sun.


-To the one friend sitting in the sky who gave me the name, “Bachchan” that stayed forever with me and everyone keep calling me even after more than 10 years brings a smile on my face. The proof that he is still alive in our memories, the consciousness and soul friend making merry among the stars.


– The girl I proposed twice, she rejected me twice and the next day till today, we are the most super-duper awesome friends who can speak about the slightest thing uncensored. Her boyfriend teases me with, ‘Your M’. Big thanks babe for tolerating me.


-Friends who shouted, threatened and almost slapping me for not loosening up and lack practicality showed how much they care for me and still do. I am amazed how a look at my face, body language or Facebook posts, they get an inkling of my struggle to remind me they are a phone call away.


-The one who would be first to send me, ‘Happy Friendship’ WhatsApp message and the other online buddy who keep pressing me on my anxiety or depressing issue since she hasn’t heard from me or a post sharing that made her sense trouble.


Happy Friendship Day





Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

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