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Breeze of wind

Breeze of wind jettisoned revelers at the promenade,

Umbrella flung in the sea.

Cold breeze and maelstrom of wind slapping faces,

as one struggles to maintain balance on the toes.

A new season, announces its arrival,

happy faces welcoming the change, ever ready to embrace the joy and fury of nature.

Small troubles forgotten, taking a shower in the drizzle that came unannounced.

Twist and turn in the body, oscillating to-and-fro,

swinging to the call of the weather and bringing happiness unlimited to the heart.

Warming up to the beauty of trees and flowers fluttering,

one feels the magic at every nano second like a soul possessed with joy.

With Love



Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

14 thoughts on “Breeze of wind

    1. Yeah, rains brings our emotions alive and it makes me super happy and creative. I gotta share some old stuffs handwritten in a notebook during the rain in Mumbai. Will try to find and post them next week:)

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