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100 Words on Saturday: ‘My grand mother said…’

This post is written as part of 100 Words on Saturday 2014 #18 hosted on

‘My grand mother said……’

“Don’t walk on the middle of the road, there are cars speeding dangerously and never speak to strangers. Go home straight and don’t loiter around. It’s an evil world , ” The petite, old lady’s words keep ringing in my ears. My grand mother would repeat it zillion times. Even Dad was not spared when he visited his mother-in-law, ordering him, to be cautious while crossing the busy roads. ” You are getting late. When will you go home? At night fall,” She chided Dad. Grand Ma was concerned about everyone, right from children and elders. Nobody was spared from her baton of righteousness.








Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

20 thoughts on “100 Words on Saturday: ‘My grand mother said…’

  1. Grand Mothers have seen the world so it is their prerogative to share their wisdom and for them we will be forever kids! 🙂

  2. 🙂 well maybe that why we are the way we are because our elders cared for us so much..

    She said the right thing )

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