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100 Words on Saturday: ‘Just Free Your Mind!’


I am participating in the prompt, ‘100 Words on Saturday 2014:6. The prompt for this week is: ‘Write a hundred words without thinking – just free your mind!’

‘Just Free Your Mind!’

write tribe

Image courtesy: Google
Image courtesy: Google

Quarter life or Mid Life crisis! Have you ever been in this phase and wonder where life is taking you?! The time to reflect on a sagging career and life that is driving you clueless and you are in a phase, hunting for jobs. In way, I am happy to be in this phase since it will push me towards the edge and reflect on my life. I mean, if everything was fine, I wouldn’t think of exploring my potential and nurture the urge to keep pushing the self towards gravity. As human beings, we have a tendency to be complacent.

-In a chat conversation with a friend on life and everything that matters.









Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

32 thoughts on “100 Words on Saturday: ‘Just Free Your Mind!’

    1. I mean it’s a phase and it’s good. We need to go through this phase so that we can question our beliefs and reach out to the sky. Till we don’t push the self, we will happy go lucky fellows largely unaware of the power within. Time to unleash the power, Sharmi and go ahead:)

    1. It is, Kalpana and it tends to kill you..very painful struggling period but life is not a cake walk, na:) I believe in the quote, Tough Times Don’t Last but Tough People Do:)

  1. We all go through this at one point or another. The trick is to not get weighed down and keep exploring new avenues. Free the mind 🙂

    1. I mean, it’s good to go through the phase so that we go through a reality check and explore the self. We need to go into thinking mode and assess on new avenues of life. One must be able to re-invent:) Thanks

    1. That’s a good thing and time comes when we delve upon the self to weigh on possibilities in life. I am happy that we can connect on things affecting our lives.
      Cheerz, Kathy:)

  2. Aww.. another QLCed person here.. What you said is quite true about being in such a spot that makes us delve deeper in nurturing our abilities and talents and introspect about our choices and decisions.

    I wish you good luck, happiness and most importantly peace ! 🙂

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