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Decked up Pune Diwali amidst unexpected expectations

Diwali seeped into unexpected celebrating on a personal level this time with the unexpected and restlessness with happenings serving as lessons to keep expectations at bay, a twinge of patience, and take things in one’s strides. Happiness, at end of the day, is about simple moments of joy and what we make of it.

This year’s Diwali was far from pompous, Queen size, and less indulging than it has been during the previous years since am yet to settle in the city after a huge gap comeback. There are so many things that have changed and it’s only the start of learning to cope with things, rediscovering the city’s nitty gritty or the practicality of it all.

Cherry on cake is that I celebrated Diwali in Pune after 15 years. Would you believe it? It started on a slow note with the buying of traditional and colorful lamps as I took a walk lingering at JM Road, Deccan and of course, FC Road on the festival’s eve where this part of the city lends its ubiquitous charm and vibes bringing in the festive mood. The crowd, building colorful lights decorations, lamps, idols of Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganesha, and decorations splattered on the ground at every nook and cranny made the festival of lights truly enthralling.

Just like in the older days when I was a carefree student, it felt like rediscovering the city and enjoying the really long walk from JM to Deccan and FC Road as if nothing had changed and got a good deal on few Diwali shopping such as shoes, pajamas and a pack of assorted sweets at Haldiram.

I saw a toddler happily chirping and wearing a beautiful frock having the time of her life, giggling and trotting. So much beauty. The blissful days of being a toddler and a child, unaware of the ways of the world celebrating without damn or being conscious of adult life. Such therapy watching the little munchkin prancing.

As I trudged my feet and clicked the glitter of lights on buildings, I sat at Coffee Nation a spot exuding so much of stillness and harking back to those days of bliss, lending a comfort zone cum a happy space. As I sipped coffee, the mind wandered, longing to see familiar faces from college and the city that I hadn’t seen for a decade. My wish wouldn’t be unheed.

Wandering steps past the new replacing the old in Pune with the pubs and bars, Westside sprouting on FC Road as I ambled towards Dnyaneshwar Paduka Chowk, a wide array of decorations, earthen lamps, Muslin cones, fruits and lamps, idols, coconuts, fruits and crackers nicely decked on the footsteps ringing in festive mood.

As I walked past and tried to take snaps of the Diwali goodies, someone tapped me on the shoulders and saw Rishikesh slouched on his bike. Elated to see a friend after 15 years on Diwali as we had a brief chat with him waiting for the traffic signal to change he asked in time about a few of our classmates I am in touch with.

He mentioned R and the bunch of people with whom they normally hang out every evening. I would be seeing him minutes later and just too after we left college in 2006. The dude hasn’t changed at all and he still looks the same as during the college days. The entire gang chill out every single day at Niranjan restaurant like in those blissful college days, I felt and they gave me some invaluable city leads. You don’t meet people by a stroke of accident.

Diwali came on Sunday and after yoga practice, I set off to get a box of sweets for the staff and after prayers, lighting lamps to Goddess Lakshmi, another walk at Balewadi High Street which was quite deserted.

During the evening, we went on a bike ride along with someone whom I knew and came recently to the city and as we scythed at Shivaji Nagar, the celebration unfurled in what Diwali truly is. The fireworks along with the Hindi songs of the 90s made us stop to take snaps and video shoot on the phone with the city lights glittering, on the edge of Deccan and swerving at FC Road where we witnessed fireworks and crackers.

As the night drew to an end, it was a Diwali well spent and as mentioned after aeon in the city. It was the first time that I had very less sweets to munch on during the festival of light and celebrated with a classic Nashik Ole Red wine for company.

It’s another tale that V’s mom sent lotsa Diwali sweets, with stacks of Namkeen, exactly a week after and was so kind of her to do so. I feel truly blessed and grateful.



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In midst and spirit

Tinkling bells,

drum beats lashed,

colors smeared on faces,

tiny diyas lit,

interpersed with joyous emotions,

subdued lights,

speck in the faded sky,

dispersed crowd,

longing for  joy,

lost to unusually quiet,

dampened celebration,

fire crackers stoking sentiments,

polluted cities,

squabbling over clan and ethnicity,

all not worth it,

diluting the festive,

alright to play safe,

we shall heal,

recreate the magic,

unaffected by the looming danger,

they tell us not to hug and kiss,

in the darkest hour,

missing intimacy,

intertwined fingers separated by distance,

gentle prayer,

eyes melting like wax candles,

till we carry in our midst and spirit,


spirit shall be subdued,

so what?

coming to terms is no longer a bane,

the soul shall assimilate,

remember the year teaching us countless,

forever is seamless,

but an expression,

to revisit chasm and sentient.



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New and old, season and celebration!

A season is over,

decade wheedling past,

small victories and defeats,

feels like yesterday only,

how I hate changes!

lessons teaching every alteration is the only constant,

unquenched thirst,


promises forever delayed,

to self and the world,

regrets shall not be washed,

drudging in the routine,

lo! behold!

If tears could be controlled,

passion channeled,

racing and pacing,

against this uncontrolled gadget called time,

we shall drink to welcome the new,

past shall haunt us,

don’t fall in the cradle of illusion.

routine will creep,

frustration shall stare at us,

trying to reclaim a life lost in the forever,

clock never turns back,

don’t let moments slip,

the least we can do,

growth and fulfillment,

shall never be tired to tell,

reclaim your life,

fall in love again,


learn a new skill,

travel the world,

experiment and unafraid of failures,

for change shall user,

the decade will define existence,

trust me on that,

worries we can forget,

be truly special,

you deserve nothing less.

tinkle bells in the heart,


let them manifest,

raising a toast to 2020.




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Celebrating music and glory of Ganesha

Fervor of the past,

sprouted and anchored in the cultural roots,

vivid imagery translated in the present,

the people’s favorite elephant trunk God sashays,

a cute and innocent child to many,

showering blessings,

sashaying with giant stride,

devotees swirling to music and glory,

chchanting his name,

Ganpati Bappa Morya,

days and hours toiled,

crafting earth shaped icons,

the God staying in our hearts,

brimming with excitement,

11 days of madness,

beating drums,

the glittering face of the Lord,

we waited impatiently,

for blessings,

pleading for prosperity, happiness and abundance,

our woes forgotten,

for only the Lord matters,

believers and non-believers,

decked into new clothes and moving enthusiastically,

in reverence to the Lord,

Ganesha is about Modak,

sweets and savories,

we may have moved shores,

our memories become vibrant in cities we reside,

Mumbai and Pune,

celebrating with fanfare and seamless spirit,

street and roads occupied,

pocked with crowd as Ganesha stands tall and majestic,

colors sprinkled,

bowing to the Lord,

garlanded with flowers.


Ganesh Chaturchiya Hardik Subhecha






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Swirling to colors of Holi


Swirling in the colors,

bearing no stain,

curled into shapes and forms,



magnifying joy,

wipe off anger,

prejudices and hatred,

washed by colorful stroke,

for its holi,

bond of friendship and love,

memories lasting a lifetime,

magnificence and exuberance,

unshackled emotions,

seek thy fragrance,

of existence,

liberate the emotions,

a palette of expression,

adorn with sweetness,

magical feeling of Holi,

childhood excitement,

waiting to celebrate,

intensity of adulthood,

tears of joy,

reminiscing about moments,

dancing merrily.

Happy Holi





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Ganeshchaturthichya flavor & Me

Ganpati Bappa Morya! Ganeshchaturthichya Hardik Shubhechha! Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

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I am an agnostic. I perform the Ganesh arati and bow to the elephant God. You must be thinking! He is a bag full of contradictions. That I am and always. Ganesha gives me the power vibes and makes me sparkle, like the dazzling sun. It’s my personal equation with Ganesha. He is my cute little friend to whom I share quite a few secrets, the time he visits and burst through the cloudburst.

Bappa draws me to him and the energy is so potent, vibrant and full of life. He reminds me of the Pune and Mumbai days, walking by all human made pandals, stopping for a darshan and walking towards my journey in the scorching sun. I can’t remain my first Ganesh Chaturthi. But, I vividly remember the Visarjan days where a truckload oIMAG0064f humans sprinkling colors and celebrating in jest. I sorely miss the celebration going in full swing, drum beating, and dancing to the tune of mad Hindi songs in the slum and on the road. This is Ganesh Chaturthi for me. I love it! I know many are against the loud noises made but it makes Ganesh Chaturthi endearing. After all, what’s Mumbai, Pune or Maharashtra without the maddening celebration?

The seamless crowd, cutting through the swathe of crowded road harks me back to the year 2007 when I just shifted bag and luggage to Mumbai at Churchgate. Along with my roomie, Lalit, we walked from B-Road at Churchgate for the Visarjan at Chowpatty beach. It was truly a moment to reckon for me, sinking in the absurd crowd singing, dancing and shouting on the street, ‘Ganpati Bappa Morya!’ There was no single space on the beach and we went along with the crowd, swimming in the tide only to realize that we were going towards the water. Moments of absolute bliss.

The Ganesha statues, huge, small, medium and you are in for a treat which was captured on the new Nokia phone that I got for Ganesh Chaturthi. The whole celebration was captured on video but it’s another story that the mobile was stolen after three months. I stayed without a phone. I missed the Ganesha shots.

Ganesh Chaturthichya made my Mumbai days bliss and sinking in its revelry that makes me look back with fondness on the city unplugged. It was SoBo (South Mumbai) Chaturthi celebration and of course with a Maharashtra flavor. I am not a born Maharashtrian but love the rich and beautiful culture. The Chaturthi celebration cemented my bond with fellas Maharashtrian and non-Maharashtrian friends. The Pandals on every nook-and-corner of the road and streets adding color and sweetness to the Ganesha celebration in cities like Mumbai and Pune. It echoes our identity as Indians, celebrating our differences but also coming as One showcasing our unity and tolerance.

Ganesha is a beautiful symbol. It’s about passion, love, tolerance, knowledge, wisdom and everything humans love. Of course, I love to gorge on Modak. Mom  and my friend Awanija was just telling me yesterday on the coincidence that Ganesh Chaturthi, this time, was on September 6th the day we celebrate Teacher’s Day in India. Can it get more symbolic than that!

Wishing you a year of wisdom, health, wealth, and awesomeness this Ganesh Chaturthi. Ganpati Bappa Morya! Ganeshchaturthichya Hardik Shubhechha!
