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It won’t last!

It won’t last,

i shall bulge,

swayed by the tide,

no joy shall stay forever,

relapse has become my favorite word,

of pain,

this dreaded voice,

spelling trouble and terribly scary,

wish to live without it,

being back to normal,

self killing filtered from my life,

learning to live with the devils,

a hyper mind,

why can’t I sleep for the whole day?

better still,

running away from everything,

carving a new identity,

a new me,

only to be caught and trapped by the shadow,

eerie silence,

ghost of the past,

i shall reach,

overcoming everything,

after all, i have come a long way,

holding myself,

So what?

A bumpy journey,

vulnerable in mind, soul and flesh.





Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

20 thoughts on “It won’t last!

  1. I haven’t read anything this relatable in a long time. The words pulled me in and before I knew I was sailing, sinking, drowning… happily drowned and yet saved.

    1. Thanks so much Asha. This poem was done effortlessly to pour the things lying inside the mind and a therapy of sort for me. Love the expression of sailing, sinking, drowning and saved…makes so much sense!

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