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Chalkboard days of simplicity and rebellion

A decade of memory,

carefree days of rebel,



the scent of a girl,

the fragrance of Vodka and Whisky,

wafting in the spirit,

Memory can be painful,

bruising the soul in places that hurt the most,

Retrieving moments lost and captured,

it’s like laying the soul to rest,


chill tremor felt inside the body,

cheap tobacco stench,

the pal feasting on Gudang Garam,

girls sipping Breezer,

the men tasting the river of Imperial Blue, Old Monk Rum, and Romanov Vodka,

Life wasn’t a bed rose of scotch in those days.

Plain and simple chalkboard days of simplicity.



Work-in-progress, seeker, and bundle of contradictions. Stubborn and Refusal to grow up and constantly in search of myself, I blurt it out on my space. Drop in and share some love. Indian!!!

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